In the era of digital media, each and every one of us carries a smartphone in her pocket. KinoClan’s main project is a hands-on pocket film workshop, encouraging women to tell their own stories using audiovisual language. Our workshop provides the participants with a safe space for dialogue, as well as basic video tools that will turn the smartphone into a tool for self-expression. In a social-creative process facilitated by an experienced filmmaker, the participants go out to film in their immediate environment and create a joint group film.


Today was the last session of an inspirational pocket film workshop facilitated by Dana Goldberg. What a privilege it was for me to participate! I learned a lot about myself, as well as about accessible and intuitive photography. I met tremendous and exciting women whose openness made me lower my defenses and get out of my comfort zone.

Recently, I have been rediscovering Arad after moving to a house on the edge of the desert, and also thanks to small initiatives, like the one that brought Dana Goldberg to the artist residency program. During her stay, an amazing group of women, most of us from Arad, met every week to create pocket films. And so, beyond the exciting encounter with wonderful women and an inspirational film director, I deepened the connection to the city.